Your Reliable RFID Tags Supplier In China

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Best RFID Tags Manufactuer in China

RFID tags refer to any item containing an RFID integrated circuit and an antenna. They are used to store and transmit information wirelessly, making them ideal for supply chain management, inventory control, and asset tracking.

RFID tags come in different shapes and sizes. For example, they can take the shape of a wristband, key fob, or card. The size of an RFID tag also varies. Some tags are as small as a grain of rice, while others are as large as a book.

They can be active or passive, depending on how they are powered. Active RFID tags contain a battery, which is used to power the tag’s circuitry and transmit its signal. On the other hand, passive rely on the power transmitted by the reader.

  • Hardy and Weather-Resistant. Most RFID tags are designed to withstand tough conditions, such as extreme temperatures, harsh chemicals, and high pressure. This makes them ideal for tracking assets in challenging environments.
  • Durable and Long Lasting. RFID tags are also built to last. With no moving parts, they can withstand a lot of wear and tear. Some RFID tags even have a lifespan of many years.
  • Faible coût. The cost of RFID tags has decreased significantly over the years, making them more affordable than ever. You can now find RFID tags for as little as a few cents each.
  • Fast and Accurate. RFID tags can be read quickly and accurately, even from a distance. This makes them ideal for tracking large numbers of assets in a short period.
  • Suivi des actifs

If you need to track the location of your assets, UHF RFID inlays/tags can help. By attaching RFID stickers/labels/tags to assets, you can quickly and easily keep track of where everything is. This is especially useful if you have many assets to manage.

  • Supply Chain Management

You can use RFID industrial tags to track items throughout the supply chain. By attaching an RFID tag to each product, you can track its location and know when it arrives at its destination. This information can help you optimize your supply chain and reduce costs.

  • Contrôle d'accès

RFID tags can be used to control access to buildings, rooms, and other areas. All you need to do is program the tags with the appropriate permissions. When someone tries to access a restricted area, their RFID tag will be scanned and their identity verified.

  • Inventory Control

Managing inventory is paramount for any business. With RFID tags, you can keep track of your inventory levels. This information can help you make better decisions about ordering and stocking products.

ICMémoireProtocoleLire écrireFiche de données
TK410064 bitsISO7815Lecture seulementTélécharger
EM4200128 bitsISO7815Lecture seulementTélécharger
EM4305512 bitsISO11784/11785Lire écrireTélécharger
EM44501kbitISO11784/11785Lire écrireTélécharger
ATA5577224 bitsISO11784/11785Lire écrireTélécharger
Hitag 12048bitISO11784/11785Lire écrireTélécharger
Hitag2256 bitsISO11784/11785Lire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Classique 1k(S50)1K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Classique 4k(S70)4K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Ultraléger EV 1512 bitsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Ultraléger C192 octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Plus EV2(2K)2 K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Plus EV2 (4K)4K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Plus SE(2K)2 K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Plus SE (4K)4K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Plus X(2K)2 K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Plus X (4K)4K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Desfire Lumière640 octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Desfire EV3(2K)2K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Desfire EV3 (4K)4K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
MIFARE Desfire EV3 (8K)8K octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
NTAG 213144 octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
NTAG 215504 octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
NTAG 216888 octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
NTAG 213 Étiquette Trempe144 octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
NTAG 424 ADN416 octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
NTAG 424 étiquette d'ADN inviolable416 octetsISO14443ALire écrireTélécharger
ICODE SIX896 bitsISO15693/ISO 18000-3M1Lire écrireTélécharger
ICODE SIX 22528 bitsISO15693/ISO 18000-3M1Lire écrireTélécharger
ICODE SLIX-L256 bitsISO15693/ISO 18000-3M1Lire écrireTélécharger
ICODE SLIX-S1280 bitsISO15693/ISO 18000-3M1Lire écrireTélécharger
ICODE ADN2016 morceauxISO15693/ISO 18000-3M1Lire écrireTélécharger
Norme Tag-It™ HF-I (TI 256)256 octetsISO15693Lire écrireTélécharger
Tag-It™ HF-I Plus (TI 2048)2K octetsISO15693Lire écrireTélécharger
Higg 3EPC 96 bits, utilisateur 512 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger
Higg 4epc 128 bits, utilisateur 512 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger
MONZA 4QTepc 128 bits, utilisateur 512 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger
Monza 5epc 128 bits, utilisateur 32 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger
Monza R6CPE 96 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger
Monza R6-PEPC 96 bits, utilisateur 32 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger
UCODE 7epc 128 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger
UCODE 7mepc 128 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger
Ucode 8epc 128 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger
Ucode 8mEPC 96 bits, utilisateur 32 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger
ADN UCODEEPC 224 bits, utilisateur 3072 bitsEPC Classe1 Gen2/ISO 18000 6CLire écrireTélécharger

Your Professional RFID Tags Supplier with Full Certifications

Shenzhen IoT Gallop Technology Co. Ltd. est une société RFID professionnelle et un fabricant professionnel leader de l'industrie des produits d'étiquettes RFID. Le produit contient une étiquette RFID, une carte RFID, un bracelet RFID, un bloqueur RFID et un lecteur RFID.

En 2008, la société a commencé à s'étendre des applications de transport intelligent à la technologie RFID d'Internet

Cela aide quand vous avez un partenaire qui peut trouver un fabricant compétent et vous aider à comprendre la connaissance des produits RFID.

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FAQs - RFID Tags

RFID tags can be made of a variety of materials, including paper, plastic, and metal. The material used depends on the application. The chips can also be embedded in fabric!

RFID tags are used to store and transmit information wirelessly. This makes them ideal for a variety of applications, such as asset tracking and inventory control.

The cost of an RFID tag varies depending on the features and application. You can buy RFID tags for as little as a few cents each.

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